how to make fresh herbal tea

Create fresh herbal tea as an economical and simple way to stay hydrated and feel your best. Herbal tea can be created from any herbs you have on hand and makes a refreshing beverage when temperatures heat up or when recovering from illness. Plus, homemade herbal tea makes an ideal present – simply brew and store for later use!

To prepare fresh herbal tea, simply combine your desired herbs in boiling water for several minutes before steeping for several more. Many herbs can be combined together in any combination to produce unique flavors and therapeutic benefits; common combinations include lemon grass and chamomile; pineapple sage with strawberry-scented geranium; anise hyssop with bee balm; lavender with lemon verbena.

Preparing herbal tea requires using only high quality ingredients and selecting herbs which have been grown organically and harvested sustainably whenever possible. Furthermore, choosing fragrant and tasty varieties is recommended to create the optimal experience.

Many people make herbal tea themselves by simply mixing loose herb leaves into hot water in a cup, but this process can be time consuming and produce less-than-flavorful tea. Furthermore, much of its beneficial properties evaporate with steam from hot water brewing; to prevent this happening it is recommended to brew your herbal tea in an airtight jar or container as this will keep volatile oils within the herbs from being released into the water and disapear altogether.

An additional excellent method of making homemade herbal tea is to crush or muddle fresh herbs before pouring them over boiling water, which will release essential oils and enhance their flavour. However, be careful not to overcrush as doing so could release green chlorophyll that will leave a bitter aftertaste in your beverage.

Once the herbs have steeped in hot water, they can be removed and the liquid strained off, just like traditional black or green tea. After that, this beverage can be enjoyed both hot or iced – you could also add extra flavour by including dried fruit, flower petals or spices such as cinnamon or ginger for a little added flair!

To store herbal tea safely and properly, ensure it is in an airtight jar with an accurate label and an airtight lid that closes tightly. Furthermore, place it somewhere cool and dark that protects it from sunlight to ensure optimal conditions for herb quality preservation.

If you plan on creating large batches of herbal tea, investing in a tea infuser is highly recommended. This handy device fits neatly onto your teacup and lets you create delicious cups every time! There is a range of types available ranging from metal designs to intricate and mana-tea designs!

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